“Women Are Out Of God’s Favour, Nothing Good Can be found In Them”- Pastor Claims

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Nicolas Niyibikora a Rwandan pastor, is currently facing attacks from women’s right groups, for making the comment that ‘women are out of God’s favour’ and ‘it is impossible to find anything good in any woman’ during a radio broadcast.

A respected women’s rights group, Pro-Femmes Twese Hamwe, filed a complaint to the Rwanda Media Commission (RMC), and is set to meet to discuss the issue next week.

Emmanuel Mugisha the Executive secretary of RMC, stated the radio station will likely have questions’ to answer.

The Seventh Day Adventist pastor, during the radio interview said: “Women are out of God’s favour. There is nothing good you can find in women.

If you’ve read the Bible, who brought the sin into the world? It was not a man.”

The interview has caused a whole host of reactions from rights groups stating that such comments “can bring hatred and conflict among Rwandans if nothing is urgently done about it.”

The Seventh Day Adventists have disclaimed Niyibikora saying he was expelled from the church five years ago.

Jeanne d’Arc Kanakuze the chairperson of the pro-women group said the comments were discriminatory and incite hate against women.

“Apart from being contradictory to the laws of our country starting with the Constitution, the sermon is also at odds with international principles against discrimination and undermining human beings.”

Thus the pastor and station are being obliged to publicly apologise to all Rwandans and to women in particular.

The pastor and the management of the station will have to appear before the regulator to explain the incident.

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