Woman Creates Woman Only Island

2 Min Read

Women looking for a place where they don’t have to interact with men, there is a solution SuperShe Island, a women-only island resort off the coast of Finland.

Kristina Roth an American entrepreneur,  is the founder of the island. She got the idea when relaxing one day on a beach  in California, after she realised it was distracting for women being around men. She noticed that women would focus more on the men than themselves, so she started contemplating the idea of a women-only resort where visitors could relax without any male distractions.

In an interview with The New York Post she said “When there was a cute guy, women would put on lipstick. The idea is, hey, focus on yourself  don’t try to get your hormones up.”

Roth expressed her opinion of mixed gender vacationing being alright and how she has no grudges against men, she just felt that there was a need for a “no men allowed” resort where women could relax and recoup their energy with no distractions.

Kristina finally invested in the idea after meeting a local in Finland who told her about a gorgeous island for sale, although she wasn’t interested at first she eventually visited the beautiful 8.4-acre patch of land, off the coast of Finland. For her it was love at first sight.

“His parents owned an island on the archipelago, and he kept telling me, the island next door is for sale. I said, ‘I’m not interested, I just bought a beautiful piece of land in Turks and Caicos — I’m really not interested.”

However, upon seeing the island, she was enchanted by the secluded wooded paradise and bought it. She had decided it was the perfect place for the women-only resort. so she worked on making it a reality right and has achieved that goal now. It remains one of the strangest inventions of recent times.

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