Wicked Househelp Caught Feeding Boss’ One Year Old Child With Liquid Soap

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A young teenage house help almost murdered the one-year-old child of her boss.

The teenager was caught feeding the baby with liquid soap. In a viral video the young girl in the recording has revealed that she wanted to quit her job and return to her parent’s house.

That was when she had the idea, she had hidden her intentions for the last month while working diligently for her employer.

The video which went viral on social media was on Monday, March 12, shared on Instagram by @desolaafod with the caption: “God have mercy #househelps #grace #mixedmorningfreshliquidsoapwithwaterandfeedayearand5monthsoldboy.

When asked why she fed the baby with liquid soap, the teenage girl said: “I was tired of the job and wanted to leave. I was eating and was not maltreated by my madam.” 


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