Why Donald Trump Is Not Invited to Senator McCain’s Funeral

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Senator John McCain has passed away at the age of 81 after a long battle with illness and one person that is already not on the guest list is, President Donald Trump.

The two have had a long-standing war of words with Trump constantly taking swipes at McCain whenever he had the chance

The Senator’s funeral plans have been in development for a while– since May and the American President was already on the exclusion list. Although it has been reported that the Vice President, Mike Pence, is invited to the service.

According to the Times, the problematic relationship between Donald Trump and John McCain is the reason he is not invited to the funeral, meanwhile, CNN has reported that McCain spent the last year of his life planning his own funeral and friends of the senator said he wanted the service held at three locations: Arizona, the National Cathedral in Washington and Annapolis, Maryland.

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Trump did offer a message to McCain’s family on hearing of the senator’s death, ‘My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain,’ he wrote. ‘Our hearts and prayers are with you!’

It was pointed out that Trump’s message didn’t seem to have any warmth for the fallen hero but was rather directed at the family

Trump has over the years verbally abused the fallen Senator, usually on Twitter, posting mean comments and even one time calling into question his hero status stating that he was only being called a war hero because he was captured.

While McCain never devolved to the level of abuse when taking on Trump, he was a constant critic of the President, most recently slamming Trump after the president’s comments in Helsinki when confronted with questions about Russian President Vladmir Putin and his alleged meddling in the American elections.

He’d said:  ‘No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant’.


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