White House to Investigate Why Fox News Has Stopped Airing Trump Rallies

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In a world of ‘fake news’, American President Donald Trump has consistently sided with Fox TV who have in turn given him favourable coverage.

However, the friendship appears to have frayed a little with Fox no longer airing Trump rallies in full anymore, instead opting to show clips of the rallies.

Is the network slowly falling out of love with the controversial president?

This doesn’t seem to be the case as the reason for their decision to no longer air the full rallies is something much more simple and pragmatic– ratings.

According to Politico, viewing figures for Trump rallies have dropped and tend to be similar to, or even below, those for regular programming.

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With this new development, White House figures are worried that perhaps Trump is losing steam on a major platform. This is worrying as the current period (close to midterms) means that any perceived lack of control can be seen as a sign of weakness.

Politico also reported that one senior White House official stated that they do not know why the network has reduced the coverage on the President but that officials planned “to look into that”.

The official also disclosed that it is expected that White House Communications Director Bill Shine, a former Fox News executive, will be in touch with his former colleagues about the development.

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