We are Not Facing a Migration Crisis – Venezuela

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We are Not Facing a Migration Crises – Venezuela

The migration crisis being faced by Venezuela amidst its economic woes is being vehemently denied by its government.

The vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez told the world that the current flow of migration from the South-American country is ‘normal’.

She also went further to accuse the international community of using the unusually heavy flow of migration from Venezuela as an excuse to justify the intervention of other countries in the Venezuelan economic and political crisis.

While the United Nation’s migration agency has described the mass exodus of Venezuelans as a near crisis moment almost akin to the exodus of refugees from the middle- east and Africa, the government of Venezuela continues to play the ostrich, hiding its head in the sand while the storm passes by hopefully.

According to the Vice President of the oil rich South-American country during a news conference on Monday;

“There has been intent to convert a normal migratory flow into a humanitarian crisis in order to justify an international intervention in Venezuela; We will not allow it.”

The United Nations estimates that about 2.3 million Venezuelans are currently living abroad while more than 1.6 million have left since 2015.

The Vice president of Venezuela however denounced the figures saying foreign agencies were using numbers provided by other countries to escalate the migration crisis.

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had reiterated during a televised broadcast that Protests by the opposition coupled with financial sanctions against his government by the United States had necessitated some citizens of his country to “try their luck in other countries but many were reconsidering that decision.”

“More than 90 percent are regretting it, of this group that isn’t more than 600,000 Venezuelans who have left the country in the last two years, according to confirmed, certified serious figures,” Maduro insisted.

Venezuelans have been leaving the country en masse, majority on foot to neighbouring South American countries of Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Brazil with several of these countries already experiencing tensions due to the influx of economic migrants from Venezuela.

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