Laying down, closing our eyes and snoozing does not always equal sleeping well.
These are 4 ways in which you might be sleeping wrong
1. Your Phone is your Sleeping Pill
You might think Candy Crush helps you sleep or scrolling Instagram aids your sleeping pattern but it actually does the opposite. Research shows that the blue wavelength light from devices like phones, tablets and laptops increases cortisol in the brain (making you more alert) while preventing the production of melatonin (hormone that aids sleep)
2. No Sleep Schedule
Sleeping in on Saturday night might feel like a great idea until it gives you insomnia on Sunday automatically making you feel sleep derived on Monday. Try your hardest to stick to a regular sleep and wake pattern that allows 7-8 hours sleep, even on Weekends.
3. You Sleep With Makeup On
Ladies, “I’m too tired” is not an excuse to leave makeup on.
a. It stains your pillow case
b. It clogs the pores and oil gland on your face. And once the danger is happens, your skin collagen decreases.
4. You Sleep In The Wrong Position
Sleep posture affects sleep quality and certain conditions call for a specific sleeping position that could aid you to sleep better. For example, Side sleeping is a good choice for people who snore