VIDEO: The Window of Heaven Will be Closed to Non-Tithers- Bishop Oyedepo

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The topic of tithing has been hot one in recent times, dividing discourse as proponents of the theory and those against it butt heads over the fine details of it.

Topping the list of those against tithing, especially the modern interpretation of it, is Daddy Freeze who has fearlessly called out cleric after cleric over the topic. He believes that the tithe payed is used by clerics to fund an extravagant life while members wallow in poverty.

Of the clerics he called out, Bishop Oyedepo of Winners Chapel has been a prominent name.

The man of God, speaking at the church’s end of the year programme, Shiloh 2017 spoke on the importance of Tithing. He said that God would not open the window to those who refuse to pay tithe.

His rationale was that tithing is a biblical injunction and by disobeying it, one is also disobeying God’s commandment and why would God bless such a person.

Watch him speak on it below.


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