Ugandan President Wants to Ban Oral Sex From His Country

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The President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, has spoken on his intentions to ban oral sex in the African nation because according to him “mouth is for eating”

The President stated that this development is the fault of the outside world which seeks to corrupt the citizens with this talk.

He spoke to the press about it saying; ‘Let me take this opportunity to warn our people publicly about the wrong practices indulged in and promoted by some of the outsiders.

‘One of them is what they call oral sex. The mouth is for eating, not for sex.

‘We know the address of sex, we know where sex is.’

Museveni is no stranger to controversy, he signed into law in 2014, an act that made homosexuality illegal.

The law stated that life imprisonment was the punishment for offenders who were shown to be having regular gay sex.

Museveni has spoken out on Oral sex before claiming that it could cause worms. ‘You push the mouth there, you can come back with worms and they enter your stomach because that is a wrong address,’ he said.

Whether this would halt the practise of Oral sex in Uganda remains to be seen, but you can check out the video below.

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