‘Uber, Lyft Drivers Across America Protest Low Fares, Boycott Ride-hailing Apps’

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Some Uber and Lyft drivers across America are protesting low fares and threatening to boycott the ride-hailing platforms if the situation does not improve.

Taking to Uber People, an online forum dedicated to Uber drivers and enthusiasts, the drivers vented their frustration at the company for what they described as “crappy” and “shitty” fares and cited examples.

See example of a ride shared by one of the disgruntled Uber drivers:

Reacting, another Uber driver, Illini, described it as a “lottery win compared to some of the ones I received”.

He added, “I had one that was a 21-mile pickup for a 1-mile ride that paid $4. I laughed so hard I almost choked.”

Reacting, one of the drivers, C_Scab wrote, “I just don’t get the end game lately. I had one today that was like 80 min for $25….who is taking that? Eventually, you would think all these low ball offers would lead to less drivers out there, which means longer wait for customers and less satisfaction for them/potentially finding other transportation since it’s long wait times/unreliable.

“One would think Uber would want us to make as much as possible, so there are more out of us out there, which means more potential pick ups/riders for them, win/win for everyone, but what do I know.”

Another Uber driver, New guy65 wrote, “How do you rate shitty? $/hr or $/mile. Although it doesn’t really matter we all know what ones are generally garbage. A 60-mile trip that takes 90 minutes and pays $90 is just as bad as a 15-minute trip that pays $6. The former just takes you out of the game longer and has a lot more expenses.

“I have so many shots of bad trips they aren’t even worth posting.”

New guy65, who is also a Lyft driver, shared screenshots of three rides he had to cancel without minutes because of low fares.

He said, “Got these 3 in about 1 minute today. After declining the 3rd, Lyft popped a surge everywhere then didn’t send another request for about 15 minutes.”

One of the rides declined by the driver:

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Paladin220 wrote, “Had one yesterday that was from Romeoville to Sycamore. 4-mile pickup, 55-mile drive. Offer was $33.”

80sDude wrote, “This cannot go on indefinitely. It can’t.”


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