Twitter Partners CBS for In-Stream Video App Amplify

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Twitter and CBS have announced what Glenn Brown (Head of Twitter Amplify Program) called ‘probably one of the most comprehensive partnerships that you will see coming out of Amplify.’

The program essentially allows broadcasters to embed short video clips in their tweets in near real-time. The clips will be sponsored by an advertiser, which both promotes the tweet and runs a short pre-roll ad before the actual video.

Amplify’s group of partners includes BBC America, Fox and the Weather Channel. CBS looks like a big add for them considering the level of content they have to offer. CBS ’David Morris said the partnership will involve 20 of the company’s brands and 42 of its shows. This includes TV properties like CBS News and Online properties like CNET and Gamespot.

Morris added that CBS are not usually interested in joint ventures but wanted to do more to tap into ‘the world’s biggest and most exciting social platform’. He also confirmed that the partnership has attracted a lot of interest from advertisers but declined to mention any of them.

The announcement came after the Wall Street Journal published a story looking at twitter’s effort to woo TV networks in advance of its IPO.

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