The Displeasure of Daddy Freeze with Society

8 Min Read

Daddy Freeze hates certain churches and pastors. He’s further than a onetime critic on a comment or situation, but into fulltime overdrive against anything they stand for or whatever they do.

It is difficult to exactly pinpoint where this hate came from or why? But the attitude is a call to some form of displeasure – with society – that he had chosen to take out and face.

There’s no good thing from those churches and pastors, at least from his hate thinking. Everything they do or say is wrong, and Nigeria will be better for it, if they all went away – according to his public views.

Daddy Freeze loves to tell people not to do whatever pastors tell them, that they’ll be fine if they didn’t. He believes obedience to doctrines is brainwashing, and there are no results for obedience.

He uses any kind of example to justify any of his stances. He uses the Scriptures, he uses poverty, he uses luxury and he uses sermons.

Although many of his positions have been on the internet – by others – for years, he was able to singularize and lead it. He brought normalcy to attacking pastors for anything, and his efforts is replicated everywhere, online and offline, by church members or non-church members.

Some of his efforts have paid off, with fame, an online church, gifts, and blogs fawning over whatever he says. But he has no vision, and his mission is destruction.

Most of his arguments borrow from the proportionate reasoning of atheism, if God is powerful, why can’t He save His people, or prevent tragedies? For Daddy Freeze, it is if Christianity is really good for Nigeria, why isn’t the country a better place?

Several early Nigerian-founded true churches had emphasis on prayers as bulwark against rampant evil, inexplicable wickedness and sudden massive devastation. The churches were not for national development, they were places for individuals on Faith and Hope.

Delay of promises or disappointments does not invalidate the Christian Faith. Most of the answers to atheism are found in the Scriptures, but many chose that path – in part because Christianity didn’t seem to work for them, or they don’t believe it works, or they don’t like the commitments, or because they prefer something else.

If you are the Messiah save yourself. Cain killed Abel. Herod killed James – brother of John. Apostle Paul was imprisoned. The rest of Israel went to war against the tribe of Benjamin after GOD told them to do so and the first two days they lost badly. Christ said, in the world people would have many troubles.

So there are examples of what seemed to everyone like GOD did not help. In sincere Christianity, when faced with challenges and answers are not found or so clear, Faith is expected to be unwavering.


Best Case Scenarios for Daddy Freeze

When an individual is not a builder, and only wants to destroy the – existential and eternal – Christian Faith built on individual choice, it is already a worst case scenario of an ambition. So it makes sense to look at the best case scenarios for his cause.

Daddy Freeze has been raving against churches for close to two years, but there has not been a steep drop in their general status. Some members may have stopped going, giving, or compliant – to doctrine, but they are not obviously in trouble. At least for the major ones he hates – RCCG and Winners.

So in five years, what damages would have Daddy Freeze done to the church in Nigeria. Would they still be strong, would he own the one and only church, would churches change their objectives, or would stronger Christians emerge from this?

It is unlikely to accurately foretell the future – most times, but it is certain Daddy Freeze achieves nothing tangible with his mission.

One thing is that if he was trying to help build the church he could have found church allies. The other thing is that if he was trying to grow the economy – with useful knowledge, he could have found government or consulting or academic allies too. But since he’s not for any of the above, and the other major religion in Nigeria does not need to grow with his model. Sooner than everyone thinks, he’s bound to 100% fail.

As a leader of his mission to nothing, he lacks focus, creates confusion, diverts conversations from important matters and gets into all kinds of pettiness on social media. He tweeted recently on a trend about journeying from one end of Lagos to another, and it seemed like the true purpose of his cause – attention, parasitic fame and relevance.

It is hard to give him credit for any of his ideas because they are always somewhere else before they popped on his pages. It is also hard to want to associate with him because he tries to use anything and anyone – as linchpin – for his own fame.

If Daddy Freeze could identify the real problems with the Church especially on how they have blocked electricity in Nigeria, or responsible for the massive unemployment, or lowered the quality of life and he can make recommendations on how they can improve stuff or how solutions can come, then he may be reasoned with.

But knowing some of the history of his mission, this is asking for too much. He has a smattering of major development topics, and has not said anything in the realm of thoughtful, realistic and sustainable development in two years – only talented at complaining about churches.

More daddy freeze or not

It currently appears nothing can deter him, and he continues to taunt pastors and churches, hoping for mud wrestling with whoever responds to him.

Some have said Nigeria needs more daddy freeze in other areas, NO! Others have suggested he refocuses his activism on government, NO too! The model of activism of daddy freeze against Churches was likely copied from certain kinds of sham activists in Nigeria, where complain [and attention] only is the game, and cannot find how to think through with some of what is available to build what is to be achieved.

There is one question daddy freeze can never answer, which is how the church hindered all kinds of development projects to benefit the country, or how they kept Nigeria in electricity darkness?

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