Simi Opens Up About Struggles with Imposter Syndrome

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Nigerian singer Simi has bravely shared her personal struggles with imposter syndrome, revealing a journey of self-discovery and redemption. Despite previously having a deep understanding of herself, Simi confessed to feeling lost and like a stranger to herself in recent years.

However, creating her upcoming album ‘Lost And Found’ played a significant role in her rediscovery process. Simi expressed that the album represents her reconnection with her passion for music, melody, and storytelling.

On her social media handle, Simi candidly shared her experience, stating, “For most of my life, I knew myself deeply, but recently, I’ve faced the discomfort of losing myself… Making this album is a symbol of finding parts of myself again.”

Simi’s courageous admission and determination to reclaim her artistic identity serve as an inspiration to fans and fellow artists alike. Her album ‘Lost And Found’ is highly anticipated, and her story of resilience and self-discovery will undoubtedly resonate with many.

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