Senior Twitter Exec’s Partisan Political Views Exposed

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Yoel Roth, Twitter’s Head of Site Integrity, has been exposed as a left-leaning, anti-Trump personality.

This revelation comes days after the social media platform labelled US President Donald Trump’s legitimate concerns about voter fraud as fake statements that needed to be fact-checked. Twitter has increasingly been accused of having a left-wing bias.

In posts from a few years back, Roth who says he is in charge of “developing and enforcing Twitter’s rules”, said he donated to the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

He called Trump and his administration’s officials “Actual NAZIS” and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a well-known supporter of the president, “a personality-free bag of farts”. In fact, Twitter suspended McConnell’s account in August 2019 until the Republican Party threatened to cut off advertising funds from the site.

On Jan. 22, 2017, Roth compared senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

A New York Post journalist, Jon Levine first exposed some of Roth’s tweets displaying left-wing bias.

He tweeted:


After Levine’s expose early Tuesday, supporters of the president and independent tweeps quickly dug up more of such tweets.

In September 2016, he wrote, “I’ve never donated to a presidential campaign before, but I just gave $100 to Hillary for America. We can’t fu-k around anymore.”

In 2012, he wrote, “I occasionally worry that my mother WASN’T joking all those times she told us she was voting Republican.”

Sometime in 2011, Roth tweeted: “‘Every time a cute boy uses an Android phone, I die inside’ is the new ‘Every time a cute boy tells me he’s a Republican, I die inside.'”

Fox News quoted an exasperated social media user, Heather Champion as saying, “These are the kids that are fact checking the President of the United States.”

The US President has accused Twitter of trying to interfere in the 2020 elections and stated that it will not be allowed to happen under his watch.

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