S/Africa supports India’s bid to join NSG says Modi

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India has won South Africa’s support to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said on Friday.
The NSG seeks to prevent nuclear proliferation by keeping a check on the export of material, equipment and technology that can lead to the making of a nuclear bomb.

“President Zuma and I agreed at the need to work closely on global challenges.

“I thank the President for South Africa support to India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group,” Modi told a press conference in Pretoria after meeting with South African President Jacob Zuma.

The Indian leader arrived from Mozambique earlier in the day on a two-day visit.
He will also go to Kenya and Tanzania on a four-nation tour of the continent.

To seek South Africa’s support for India’s bid to join the 48-member NSG is high on the agenda of Modi’s visit.

South Africa previously had reservations about India’s participation in the NSG because Dehli is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

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