4 drinks that help reduce High Blood Pressure

4 Min Read

Hypertension is a common condition which occurs worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 45% of adults aged 25years and above live with high Blood Pressure in Africa.


Hypertension is also known as elevated blood pressure or high blood pressure where the blood pressure reads 140/90 mmHg.

In this condition, the pressure at which the heart pumps out blood is increased and the blood vessels are constricted. This can affect many different organs in the body including the kidneys, the brain and the heart. It is also a known cause of stroke and kidney failure.


The mainstay of medical treatment of hypertension is usually long term and there is truly no magic drug to cure high blood pressure.


However, efforts can be made to reduce the blood pressure from time to time. After some researches were carried out it has so far been noted that some beverages help to lower blood pressure.


Some of these drinks include;


Water is a readily available resource that can be utilized in so many different ways, it is also relatively cheap. One of the positive effects of water is in the lowering of blood pressure, although the effects might not be instantaneous nevertheless it can be effective.


Many individuals hardly take in enough water daily and hence, they are often dehydrated. Chronic dehydration causes the body to adjust, forcing blood vessels to constrict hereby increasing the pressure within them. This can ultimately lead to elevated blood pressure.


It is advised that one should drink at least 2 litres of water in 24 hours, which is equivalent to four sachets of pure water in a day.

Low Fat Milk

Studies have shown that calcium deficiency is directly linked with high blood pressure. Individuals that have good calcium supplementation have reduced risk of high blood pressure.

Milk happens to be a good source of calcium and should be an important diet for hypertensive patients. Low-fat milk has just enough fat in it for the rapid absorption of calcium into the bloodstream.

Take three to four glasses of low-fat milk per day to help lower blood pressure.

  1. Cranberry Juice

Cranberries are rich in vitamin c, an antioxidant that can help in increasing blood flow and dilating blood vessels, hereby reducing blood pressure.


Cranberry juice has good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties both of which help in reducing blood pressure. Apart from reducing the damaging effects of super oxidants, it also helps in preventing damage to blood vessels.


There is no set dose or recommendation for the use of cranberry juice, you are allowed to take as much as you desire but you can always go for the unsweetened versions. Cranberry juice can be purchased at local supermarkets.


Hibiscus Tea

Tea is a healthy drink that has a good number of properties that help support your entire body.

Hibiscus tea, in particular, contains chemicals that work in similar ways as ACE inhibitors, hereby making it a great choice for our list. ACE inhibitors are one of the classes of drugs doctors use to treat hypertension in orthodox medicine.


Hence, this drink would be a form of natural medication and would prove to be essential in lowering blood pressure in a rather enjoyable fashion.


Hibiscus tea can be gotten at supermarkets and local food stores. Taking about two to three cups per daily is essential for achieving the best results.

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