Reactions to Northern Elders ultimatum to Jonathan on Boko Haram and Chibok girls

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Yesterday, the Northern Elders Forum released a statement telling President Goodluck Jonathan to rescue the Chibok girls and end Boko Haram insurgency in the Northern region by October 2014 or forget about recontesting the Presidential elections in 2015.

Nigerians have responded to the statement from the Northern Elders. Here are some responses from a cross section of Nigerians garnered from Nigeria’s most popular website, Nairaland, which has over 1.2 million members.

A user with the screenname Voltron said,

GEJ has been given an ultimatum to solve a problem they created. hmmm grin
Another Blizzard44 said
The north can’t be pleased.He was soft and they called him clueless.

Even before now, we were winning this war when this same Arewa group raised alarm that a genocide is being commited against them. They threatened Ihejirika with charges bordering on war crimes.

He went ahead to declare a partial state of emergency and they cried foul.

They aided and encouraged these boko goons on their nefarious acts against the Nigerian state, and now they are calling for what exactly?


Highmey said,

These guys are clowns!

It’s now a “political game”.

These people are boko haram sympathisers. How can he successfully accomplish this task, when these Northern “Elites”, “Elders” and “Politicians” funds and assist this people secretly.

So not supporting GEJ for his 2015 political ambition is a way out? These people have to re-think and support the government (and the Military) with all necessary information to fight against this menace.

Well, I can’t blame them sha, GEJ too needs to wise-up.


735i said,

They have failed to realise one sad truth;

If the ultimatum pass make we see wetin den go do!!!
If they want…they can create their own country and make their EMIR the president… nobody will miss them!


Qmark said,

I am not a fan of Jonathan, but I find it funny when even the so called northern leaders see Boko Haram as Jonathan’s sin. I thought Jonathan should be the one giving the northern leaders ultimatum as far as BH issue is concerned.

Smudge2079 said,

Waoh, see all dis boko haram sponsors giving d president ultimatum. D fowl will soon come home to roost.


Krucifax said,

The Northern Elders should be ashamed of themselves. They and their people are part of the reason the Boko Haram situation exploded beyond all measure.

Many Northerners were sympathetic to the Boko Haram cause in the early days because they believed BH were fighting the cause of Islam and that only non-muslims and govt people were targets.But Boko Haram have since shown that everybody is now a legitimate target. The chickens have come home to roost and now they are crying foul. 

Do you my fellow nairalanders not remember when the same Northern Elders in 2012 put out page after page in all the main newspapers condemning govt forces for killing Boko Haram members in the North. Then the Northern Elders referred to them as northern youths who were marginalized and frustrated. I’m not against any of my fellow Nigerians but we must speak the truth when we see it. 

There is a proverb that says “The man who lets a snake dwell in his household,will one day cry tears of regret”.


Decryptor said,

When Boko Haram was bombing churches and shooting Christians at random, they did not ask for ultimatum…Now that BH has turned against them, they are giving ultimatum…USELESS ELDERS BARKING LIKE TOOTHLESS DOGS


Voltron said,


Computer Mallam.. eat bitter kola before you talk- When Mohammed Yusuf was arrested in 2009, he named the then governor of Borno, Ali Modu Sheriff as a major financier of Boko Haram. Very shortly after his revelation, Yusuf was taken from custody and was driven to a deserted area. With his hands still shackled, he was told to walk to another vehicle. The man knew what was coming and so he shuffled along inch by reluctant inch. Halfway through his trudge, bullets rained down on Yusuf. That was that. – See more at:


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