Queens English: Kenyatta’s American Accent While Speaking With Trump Excites Kenyans

2 Min Read

Kenya president, Uhuru Kenyatta, recently met with the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in a first of its kind, one-on-one meeting.

However, one thing seem to have caught the attention of most Kenyans as they ‘perused’ the video footage of the meeting – their President’s eloquent and flawless English speaking skills.

In a viral video making rounds on social media, Uhuru can be heard speaking with an American accent unbeknownst to his citizens that he had.

A Kanya journalist put it in better perspective when he said ”his little speech could easily soothe a baby to sleep especially when he effortlessly let out his Rs and Ts like a mzungu”.

Most Kenyans, of course, felt their number one citizen was overdoing it, and would have loved him to appear more natural.

One even observed that after most Kenyans get on a plane, their accent magically changes.

However, others noted that Uhuru schooled overseas and his accent is in sync with the environment where he spent years acquiring his education.

“The only way an American will understand what you are saying is if you speak like them,” one citizen by the name John angendo said.

Uhuru Kenyatta Uhuru Kenyatta

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