PSC Approves Mass Promotion of Commissioners, Deputies

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Ibrahim Idris

The Police Service Commission (PSC) have announced in a statement made by Mr Ikechukwu Ani, Head, Press and Public Relations of the Commission that they have approved the promotion of 22 Commissioners of Police to Assistant Inspector General and the promotion of 29 Deputy Commissioners of Police to Commissioners of Police.

This is a move that came after the existing AIGs were let go so as not to impede the work of the new Inspector of Police Ibrahim Idris.

Ani revealed the 29 new commissioners were first screened by a panel headed by the Chairman of the Commission, Mr Mike Okiro.

Ani continued that part of the criteria for the promotion was seniority and quality of service, also taken into consideration was the availability of slots in the positions gunned for.

“Majority of the new AIGs had already been posted to zonal commands and other police formations while nine of the CPs had been posted as command CPs,“ said Ani.


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