Popular Nigerian Musician Faces Allegations of Mistreating Mother of His Children

3 Min Read

Accusations of abuse and exploitation have surfaced against a well-known Nigerian musician, following a report by controversial blogger Gistlover.

The story centers on a young, talented dancer from a disadvantaged background. She reportedly met the musician while working as a dancer, and according to Gistlover, the musician – known for his fiery temper – made inappropriate advances. When she refused, a tense situation arose, allegedly leading to a forced encounter that resulted in an unplanned pregnancy.

The young woman reportedly faced difficulty reaching the musician after discovering the pregnancy. When contact was finally made, Gistlover alleges he denied responsibility, claiming it was a one-night stand and refusing to acknowledge the pregnancy.

The situation took another turn when the woman gave birth – not to one child, but to triplets. Gistlover alleges the musician, initially expecting a single baby, reluctantly agreed to take the child but with the condition that the mother have no further involvement.

However, the story doesn’t end there. Gistlover claims the musician subjected the woman to a living nightmare. She was forced to live in his home, not as his wife but as a nanny to her own children, solely responsible for their care. She was allegedly isolated from her family, denied access to a phone, and forbidden from leaving the house.

The blogger further alleges that the musician went to great lengths to hide this situation. He reportedly denied rumors of twins (let alone triplets) born to him and controlled all aspects of the woman’s life to prevent the truth from surfacing.

Despite the alleged mistreatment, Gistlover claims the musician recently began portraying a different image publicly. Inspired by another musician who uses his wife for promotion, he allegedly decided to do the same. The woman was included in his music video and presented as his wife for a brand deal, all a carefully constructed facade, according to the blogger.

Gistlover reports that the musician recently offered the woman a semblance of freedom, but with strings attached. He allegedly created a new social media page for her, which he controls, and continues to bring other women home.

The blogger raises critical questions: Has the musician genuinely changed his heart, or is this simply another ploy for self-promotion? Is the woman truly free, or remains trapped in a gilded cage?

The story also highlights the plight of the woman’s family, who reportedly gave up trying to intervene after facing repeated rejection from the musician.

While Gistlover refrained from naming the musician, speculation points towards Kizz Daniel due to the details aligning with his personal life.

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