Police Inspects Man’s Anus To Find Over $1,000 Stash

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A Florida man has been arrested and charged to court after he was found to have hid the sum of over $1,000 in his anus.

According to Police report, the man, Pattreon Stokes, 26, was arrested on Saturday morning by a Marion County deputy for speeding.

The officer who pulled him over for the offence was reported to have perceived marijuana coming from inside the car and conducted a search which led to the discovery of 197 grams of methamphetamine, rock cocaine, 4 grams of heroin, a scale, a small amount of marijuana, and a large amount of money.

Stokes was reported to have also been carrying a 7-month-old child in the car at the time of his arrest.

Police however arrested the offender immediately but met with a shocker when they found out the cash which was found in his car had disappeared.

Stokes claimed the officers had already collected from him the money but in a process described as “necessary but undesirable” police found $20 bills dropping from his anus.

Police reports, “for everyone involved, they searched and found $1,090.00 in U.S. currency hidden in Stokes’ rectum. He is charged with Smuggling Contraband into a Detention Facility, Trafficking Methamphetamine, Trafficking Heroin, Possession of Cocaine with the Intent to Sell, Manufacture or Deliver, Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Equipment.”

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page reads:


To quote everyone’s mom, “Don’t put that in your mouth, you don’t know where it’s been!!”

In the early morning hours of Saturday, August 26, 2017, Deputy Calvin Batts conducted a traffic stop on a white Buick in the area of East Highway 40 and Baseline Road for speeding. Upon making contact with the driver, Pattreon Stokes (DOB: 07/08/1991), Deputy Batts smelled the odor of marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. Deputies searched the vehicle and found approximately 197 grams of Methamphetamine, Rock Cocaine and 4 grams of Heroin. A scale was also located inside the vehicle. Stokes also had a small amount of marijuana and a large amount of currency on his person. The defendant was arrested and taken to the Marion County Jail.

When they arrived at the jail, the money Stokes had on his person appeared to be missing. Stokes said that deputies had already collected it, but this was certainly not true. Detention deputies then noticed something quite unusual… they observed $20.00 bills falling from Stokes’ buttocks area. After a necessary but undesirable process for everyone involved, MCSO Detention Deputies located $1,090.00 in U.S. currency hidden in Stokes’ rectum. Judging from Stokes’ mug shot, he looks pretty “bummed” about the whole situation…

For all of our wonderful cashiers in Marion County, we apologize for giving you this terrible mental image today. If you choose to use gloves during your daily duties, we will understand.

Also worthy of mention: Stokes had a 7 month old child in the front passenger seat of his vehicle while he was trafficking drugs. Stokes was arrested and charged with Smuggling Contraband into a Detention Facility, Trafficking Methamphetamine, Trafficking Heroin, Possession of Cocaine with the Intent to Sell, Manufacture or Deliver, Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Equipment.

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