OAP Toolz gets protective, replies husband’s Instagram Admirer

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“What God Has Joined Together, Let No Man Put Asunder”

The saying doesn’t seem to catch on with most ladies as one particular Instagram user, @jennymassy27 decided to do a minor flirtation with OAP Toolz’s husband.

Recall that the OAP, Toolz and her husband, Captain Demuren are fresh into the marriage establishment and it doesn’t look like Toolz is ready to share her man anytime soon or ever.

She took to her husband’s Instagram comment box to ‘cunningly’ tell the admirer off like the lion would do, she publicly marked her territory and is telling all the single ladies out there that the Captain is Her Man.

Ladies, The Captain is Taken, keep your comments to yourself.

See the Flirtatious comment and Toolz’s reply below;



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