Now That the Change Has Come – Maxwell Adeyemi Adeleye

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In the words Ferdinand Onah, a University Don, Change connotes “DYNAMICS.” Dynamics in essence that life is not even, invariable and constant. Just like time, life changes like the clapping of a mimosa plant.

Politically, a movement of change connotes revolutionary mode of moving either from forward to backward or backward to forward. Change is a risk venture into by the isolated masses and seemingly frustrated bourgeoisies of a beleaguered nation during period of political and economic quandary.

On Saturday March 28, 2015, Nigerians went into polls to elect a new President that will start distributing the fruits of democratic governance to them commencing from May 29, 2015. The electioneering campaign leading to March 28 fierce contest was characterized by promises and vows by the two leading political party-the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The PDP wanted continuity while the APC preached for a change of baton. Over 15 million Nigerians who felt that the PDP had not done enough to better their lots and that of the nation of Nigeria for the past 16 years it had held the insignia of power voted for change while about 13 million Nigerians who think that the much advertized change will lead Nigeria to nowhere vote for continuity.

Consequently, since democracy imply popular participation and in view of the fact that in every democratic setting, majority rules while the interest of the minority is to a great extent put into consideration, the change advocates have triumphed.

Majority of Nigerians have voted for the change championed by General Muhammad Buhari of the APC at the detriment of the continuity of transformation agenda spare-headed by Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of the PDP.

Now, for the records, I wish to remind the Change advocates some of the change they promised Nigerians during the electioneering campaign. Crestfallen, dejected and disconsolate Nigerians are seriously waiting for the change the APC has promised to bring to Nigeria in all ramifications.

Nigerians are unwearyingly waiting for one naira to equal America’s one dollar in the international financial market as promised by General Mohammad Buhari during the electioneering campaign.

Nigerians await a declaration of free and qualitative education from primary to tertiary level as promised by Buhari. Before May 2019, one of our universities must be ranked among the best 500 in the world as promised.

I wish to remind General Buhari that he promised that by February 2019, Nigeria under his reign would have generated 40,000 tons of electricity megawatt. The daily 21 hour of electricity power supply is what Nigerians are waiting to start enjoying not an excuse.

Nigerians are also waiting for the comprehensive feeding of school children and 1 million housing units promised.

I wish to remind the advocates of change that Nigerians are waiting for all our highways to be fixed before May 2019. The APC must not forget that Nigerians were promised forty five naira per a liter of PMS. The country’s moldy refineries must be repaired with new ones built.

Furthermore, let me explicitly remind the Change Agents that they promised the unemployed youths of Nigeria 850, 000 jobs by September 2015. They should also recall that twenty five million unemployed Nigerians were promised payment of N5, 000 every month till their lives get better. NYSC corps members were promised N45, 000 monthly allowances.

For Nigeria to be transformed from a periphery to a core sovereign nation, corruption must be well tackled. However, I put it to Buhari that the war against corruption that he promised to pursue with sanctimonious attention must start within the APC.

If the common people on the streets could violate the laws and get punished, then, forgiving those who had mercilessly ruled and looted our common wealth is not acceptable to me as a Nigerian.

Those who had heartlessly and viciously governed Nigeria from 1999 till date either in APC or PDP must be made to account for their evil deeds against the common people. Selective war against corruption will not be accepted.

I also wish to remind Buhari and his yet to be known change cabinet that we are now in a democratic regime where rights to speech, expression, religion, association and peaceful assembly are constitutionally protected. Nigerians will not accept any attempt to intimidate, oppress and harass them unduly for exercising their Fundamental Human Rights.

I also think the threat currently being issued by some Change Agents against those who worked against Buhari before and during the March 28 presidential election be seen as an exhibition of victory. The Change Agents should remember that there’s freedom of choice and a right to association.

The threat in the social media to impeach Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti State just because the Afao-Ekiti born Politician mounted controversial campaign against Buhari and the APC during the electioneering campaign must be a joke.

If Buhari and his children feel impaired or demeaned by Fayose’s action, they should seek redress in a competent court of law. The APC promised during the electioneering to make respect for rule of law its watchword; therefore, the change agents should practice what they have been preaching.

PDP goofed, APC should do things better. Violent, illegal and ultravire’s reactions against Fayose will not be accepted by the majority of the peace loving people of Ekiti State who elected him into office. Nigerians want a true change not a reign of vendetta.

Once again, I say that Nigerians are waiting for a true change promised by the APC. The civil service must be reformed for Nigeria to get better. Corruption in the civil service must be drastically reduced if it cannot be totally abolished.

The judiciary must be totally independent and sanitized. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) must continue to enjoy her freedom as entrenched by the outgoing administration.

Nigerians are waiting for an end to insurgencies in the Northern part of the country. I want peace and tranquility returned to Nigeria. Nigerians are anxiously awaiting the return of the missing Chibok girls.

In conclusion, i salute President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for giving Nigerians the most free, fair and credible elections ever since the return of democratic governance to Nigeria. I acknowledge his spirit of statesmanship.

I doff my hat for him over his commitment to peace, tranquility and cohesion among Nigerians. I enjoy General Buhari to follow suit and I congratulate him too on his well-deserved victory at the polls. Jonathan has done his best for Nigeria; now, Nigerians are waiting for the change!


Maxwell Adeyemi Adeleye writes from Magodo, Lagos

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