‘North Should Not Contemplate Breaking Away from Nigeria’

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Former Chairman of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC), Justice Mustapha Akanbi has said that the North should not contemplate breaking away from Nigeria because the north is a formidable part of the country.

Akanbi, while speaking in Kaduna at a lecture marking the 56th anniversary of the attainment of self-government of Northern Nigeria, organised by the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) said “The north cannot and should not contemplate breaking away from Nigeria. There is so much that binds us together, all we need to do, is to ensure that we are not left behind in the scheme of things. Africa look up to us for leadership, a strong Nigeria of which the north is a formidable plank remains the hope and pride if the black race.”

However he decried the leadership failure in the north, he said Northern leaders now prefer to be heroes, worshipped by sycophants.

He said “It is this leadership quality which Sir Ahmadu Bello exemplified that made us all proud to be northerners and this is what has been lacking since his demise and which tore the north apart.

“In today’s Nigeria, leaders prefer to be hero worshipped and venerated by sycophants, in Sardauna’s time that was not the case, around him were men of honour and integrity and not greedy and corrupt people who prefer to serve selfish ends.

“We have reached a stage in our nation that tribalism, ethnicity, religious bigotry and corruption have become the hand maiden tools of political leaders when canvassing to be elected into political offices.”


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