Nigerians worried over Global Terrorism Index ranking

7 Min Read
Boko Haram and ISWAP clash

Nigeria’s ranking as the third most terrorised nation in the world has continued to give Nigerians sleepless nights.

In a report released earlier in the year by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), Africa’s most populous nation was ranked third on the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), behind second-placed Iraq and leader, Afghanistan.

Nigeria ranked higher than war-torn Syria, and led the African continent as the most terrorised nation.

Only Somalia (6th globally), DR Congo (10th globally), Egpyt (11th globally), Libya (12th globally), Mali (13th globally), Central African Republic (14th globally) and Cameroon (15th globally) came anywhere close on the continent.

Global Terrorism Index

According to the producers of the report, “the predominant threat to multiple states is transnational militant Salafi-jihadists who are calling for offensive jihad (holy war) in the hopes of overthrowing apostate states in order to create caliphates and practice sharia law.

“The Jihadist movement has proven resilient in the Middle East, parts of the Sahel, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, as well as South Asia.”

The report identified Salafis as seeking “to purify their faith and bring back their idea of a true version of Islam which is both literal and strict.

“Salafi-jihadism is a movement committed to imposing the rule of Islam through violence, but with a specifically Salafi emphasis on monotheism. They violently contest globalisation and the international system.”

This description fits those of Boko Haram and ISIL-affiliated Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terror groups that have held the North-East hostage since 2009, with ripple effect across the nation.

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The report also noted some trends making Salafi-Jihadists groups an enduring global security threat.

The Herald deduced that Nigeria was particularly affected by some of these trends which include:

  1. ISIL’s ability to maintain its affiliate structure even after losing its so-called caliphate. It still has the loyalty of more than a dozen “provinces” in West Africa and the Khorasan (parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan and some neighbors), as well as a new Central African “province” that was recently announced;
  2. Thousands of trained combat veterans that fought from 2012-2018 in Salafi-Jihadist battle spaces, who represent a new cadre of fighters who are relocating into new conflict zones;
  3. Climate change which has destroyed livelihoods helps drive recruitment because terrorist groups have been using access to food and water as either a weapon or a tool of war.

Since the ranking, many Nigerians have continued to express worry.

Former Chairman, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Prof. Chidi Odinkalu took to Twitter took to Twitter to lament and draw the attention of Nigerians to the unflattering ranking on Sunday.

In a communique released after its regular meeting last week, the Yoruba Summit Group (YSG) said, “As we were preparing this communiqué, Global Terrorism Index screams “Nigeria has Emerged as The Most TERRORISED Country In Africa.. Ranked 3rd Most TERRORISED Country In The World!”

“We reiterate once again, the solution to Nigeria’s problems does not lie in 2023 elections, neither does it lie in the charade embarked upon by the NASS under the guise of a Constitutional Review.”

The group called for the restructuring of the Nigerian federation to empower local authorities to deploy local solutions to local problems.

Some social media users, who decried the ranking, faulted the Muhammadu Buhari administration for deteriorating security situation across the nation.

They also called for concerted efforts to end the menace of terrorism, kidnapping, banditry and others bedevilling nation.

Read comments monitored on Nairaland below:

Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by Galactico4ever(m): 9:56am
Too bad. Buhari should pack and go asap!

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Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by raker30010:11am

Don’t blame just the president..

Blame those that voted him in twice

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Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by Orubebe019:57am
Imagine Nigeria dragging position with all these world known Islamic terrorist countries grin

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Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by horsepower10210:09am

A famous man once told us that Somalia will be better than Nigeria.

Today Somalia has less terrorism and Poverty rate than Nigeria.

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Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by Light125910:25am

Nigeria seated at the third position on Global Terrorised countries in the World even behind Somalia, Syria and Yemen. All these are happening under the administration of President Buhari.

On 2014 MNK stated that Somalia will be paradise compare to Nigeria.

But haters were calling him names.

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Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by balosunky(m): 10:45am
Terrorism won’t stop unless we change our federalism system of government. Let each state generate its own income. No more free money means no more IGR on terrorism

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Re: Nigeria Is At Number 3 In The Global Terrorism Index 2020 by Racoon(m): 11:05am
According to Fund For Peace, FFP, an American Think Tank that specializes on the prevention of violence and conflicts, and promotes sustainable peace and security across the globe identified three steps in recognizing a failed state.
-Inability of state to control it’s territory,
-Inability of state to effectively provide security & public services to its citizens,
-Inability of state to interact with other states as member of the international community.
Buhari government have given us the first two.So we’re already a failed state.Terrorist are already in government.See the fanatic terrorist-infested nations Nigeria is contesting failed state with.

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