Nigerian man chronicles how African women react to receiving gifts

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Nigerian men have a solid reputation when it comes to intercontinental and interracial relationships. However, they are unable to help but contrast all of their encounters with foreign women with those with Nigerian women.

Nigerian influencer, Victor Asemota, woke up today on a mission to share with us his experiences with women from all over Africa. He wrote:

As young Nigerian men, we were conditioned by Nigerian women to believe that gifts were an important part of dating. I was surprised at the reaction of other African women to gift-giving while dating.

Ghanaian women didn’t really care but appreciated it. Presence was better.

Kenyan women will buy you gifts in return and it becomes a contest of generosity. There was no entitlement.

South Africans were the weirdest. I bought a friend a drink once and she was quite scared of what was coming after. I had to reassure her that it was without strings. We eventually dated very briefly and she accepted nothing from me. Same South Africa, a former Nigerian South-South governor gave another friend a brand new Mercedes when she complained about her car problems. She took it.

Ugandans will love going clubbing and don’t mind the free drinks. They never asked for anything beyond that. Leave and come back after one year, no stress.

Senegalese were high maintenance. You know their standard and can’t afford to screw up or another Alhaji replaces you.

Cameroonians will take your cash, no strong feelings. It was always too transactional for my liking. They just didn’t care deeply enough but their food is fire. They are closer to Nigerians in that regard.

Ethiopians like to be worshipped like goddesses. Everything goes.

Had a friend who has partly from Burundi and partly from Rwanda. Everything was like an Indian love movie. It was all about grand gestures for her.

Zim people were carefree and were the opposite of South Africans. A friend who was a nurse used to send me pocket money in England.

Who did I miss? I will remember when I wake up. I am writing this while half asleep.

Although it is hard to comprehend how someone might wake up thinking this, I assume knowing this information would help other Nigerian men who are interested in international dating.

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