New Law Now Allows College Students In Texas to Have Guns on Campus

2 Min Read

A new law passed in Texas has now allowed for the possession of guns in schools.

This is with the caveat that one is a gun license holder and must be above the age of 21 for it to be effective.

The law came into effect on the 1st of August 2016 and allows students to have guns on campus.

Sports arenas and chemical labs amongst other venues are off-limits to anyone holding a gun though as these are danger areas.

Private schools and two-year community colleges are excluded until next year after which they too will have to allow students to have weapons on campus.

The rationale behind the law is that so students can stop mass shootings before the police arrive and prevent unnecessary killing sprees from occurring, on the other hand, critics believe that this would lead to even more gun violence as students have the legal right to have such weapons and with the prevalence of drugs, alcohol and depression it could be a very bad move indeed.

The University of Texas tried unsuccessfully to lobby against the law but it was pushed through by Republican Gov. Gregg Abbott and a majority in the Republican-led state Legislature.


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