Mukhtar Decries Conditions in Which Nigerian Judges Work

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Justice Mariam Aloma Mukhtar, the Chief Justice of Nigeria has said that the conditions under which Nigerian Judges work are deplorable and unsecured. She also blamed the governors for the poor conditions of service of the judges.

Speaking at the opening of the 2014 Conference of All Nigeria Judges of the Lower Courts organised by the National Judicial Institute (NJI) in Abuja on Monday, she said “Some customary and area courts sit in rented apartments. I am also aware that in some states, courts have been closed down due to political squabbles among politicians. I have heard of stories of magistrates being abducted and in many cases murdered by unknown persons due to lack of security. All these factors are so debilitating on the performance of judicial functions.

“Nobody would like to work under such deplorable and unsecured environment. Some of these problems are man-made. These are occasioned by the refusal of some governors to respect the constitution they have sworn to protect and defend. How can they protect and defend what they do not respect?”

She also advised Judges not to use their current state as an excuse to perpetuate fraud and unwholesome conduct while discharging their duties.

She said “Since you have accepted to do this work knowing of these challenges involved, you must do it honestly, dexterously, diligently and with utmost integrity and transparency. Like Caesar’s wife, you must be above board. You must be incorruptible,’’

“As judges of the lower courts, you occupy a very strategic position in the judicial hierarchy. In almost all judicial matters, you are the first port of call. You preside over courts located nearest to the people both in urban and rural areas. You are grass root judges. Any impression of you represents the impression people will have for the entire judiciary. That being the case, you must conduct yourselves properly, abiding by the Code of Conduct for judicial officers of Nigeria.

“Any negative evaluation of your character can be disastrous to the entire Nigerian judiciary. You must approach your job with dignity and respect. You must not take the respect and confidence of your host community for granted. Every society has a system of resisting any denigration of their cultural values and customary ethos.”

Justice Muktar also said that the Judiciary must embark on reforms to improve its services.

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