MTN Appoints Nigerian as GM for SME Business

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MTN Group has announced the appointment of Omotayo Ojutalayo as the general manager for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Business.

According to the group chief enterprise officer of MTN, Mteto Nyati, this appointment was made because MTN has an 0pportunity to help SMEs use technology to grow.

Nyati said “We believe that the MTN has an opportunity to further aid development in the countries where we operate by using technology to enable SMEs to grow.

“This is in line with our purpose to enable and inspire the growth of enterprises in emerging markets and through the development of this new area, we will ensure there is greater focus on the technology needs of SMEs.

“As an internal appointment, Ojutalayo is well versed in our business. She has also been working in our Nigerian operation for over four years, with a special focus on the SME segment.”

Ojutalayo who holds an MBA from the University of Lagos will oversee MTN’s strategic and go-to-market approach for the SME customer segment

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