More Problems For R.Kelly As He’s Accused of Grooming 14 Year Old As Sex ‘Pet’

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R Kelly

Once respected singer and songwriter R.Kelly is once again in the news and for all the wrong reasons. The ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ singer has been accused of training a young girl to be his sex slave since she attained the age of 14.

This closely follows claims by multiple ladies that R.Kelly ran a sex cult and controlled every aspect of the girls’ lives, from what they wore to where they went.

This new claim was made by former girlfriend Kittie Jones who in  a BBC3 documentary set to air on March 28 claimed that Kelly groomed her to be his sex slave and had been forcing himself on her since she was 14, a claim echoed by another girl who suffered a similar fate.

“I was introduced to one of the girls, that he told me he ‘trained’ since she was 14—those were his words,” Jones says in the documentary. “I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I’d say and her mannerisms were like mine. That’s when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets.”

Jones also claimed that Kelly once made a woman crawl towards her and perform Oral sex on her allegedly saying ‘This is my fucking pet, I trained her. She’s going to teach you how to be with me.’

R.Kelly and his team did not respond to these new allegations.

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