Mixed Reviews For Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has received mixed reviewed from critics ahead of its release this weekend.

The film had been widely praised by fans after its first screening in New York last week.

But critics have not been so positive about the long-awaited movie, which stars Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman.

“This superhero-smorgasbord melts into an electric soup of CGI,” was the review by the Times

“Effects are so overused that any conviction explodes in a giant fireball – indeed endless fireballs. The result is an enervating two and a half hours.”

A number of other reviewers also picked up on the film’s long duration.

The Sun described it as “insanely long”, while the Guardian said it is “both overstuffed and abnormally extended”.

“No major blockbuster in years has been this incoherently structured, this seemingly uninterested in telling a story with clarity and purpose,” was the review in the Telegraph.

However, some critics were kinder about the film, which sees Wonder Woman – played by Gal Gadot – make her big-screen debut.

Rotten Tomatoes, which works out average scores for films based on multiple reviews, listed Batman v Superman on Friday as having received an average mark of 5.1 out of 10, based on 207 reviews.

But fans have been much kinder to the movie in comments posted on social media

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