Yesterday, there was a debate on Twitter as to what the minimum wage had to be for a girl to go for a guy. The battle raged on for hours as people debated back and forth.
It all stemmed from when a girl tweeted that her father gives her N200k for her upkeep and that she could not imagine dating a guy who earns less even saying the amount was small.
This of course got people talking as the situation with the economy and the nation makes it so that N200k earners aren’t as common as they used to be.
It also brought forward the argument of whether people could actually live on that amount of money in Nigeria and how much was the minimum to live with. Some were of the opinion that it would be impossible to live off N200k in Lagos and Abuja, but in other states such as Oyo or Kaduna that such an amount would actually be okay to live on.
The lady was also asked how much she earned before she came about criticising people who worked hard for their earnings.
The topic trended on Twitter for a huge chunk of Friday with the back and forth arguments. You can see more tweets on the minimum wage topic below.