Lies? Bill Cosby Pictured Exiting Jet Unaided Even After Claiming to Be Blind

2 Min Read

Bill Cosby who is facing charges of sexual assault had earlier told a court that he was blind and unable to see.

In a set of photos taken of the former comedian, he is seen disembarking from a plane perfectly fine and on his own without the help of anyone or anything.




Cosby was caught on film after landing in Massachusetts – where he is holed up in a 21-acre private compound – on Tuesday, the same day he appeared in a Pennsylvania court for a pre-trial hearing on a rape charge and he got down from the plane with no help at all.

Earlier that day, the former actor had arrived in court for his hearing and had needed to be led by spokesman Andrew Wyatt. He had also used a cane to move and detect things in his path.

He was there for a hearing ahead of his June 2017 trial, which sees him accused of drugging and raping Temple University employee Andrea Constand in 2004.

But his attitude in these pictures seems a world away: He can be seen laughing with his cane and coat hooked over his arm as he descends the steep metal steps.


Two air crew are on hand – one at the bottom of the steps and the other at the top – but Cosby seems to need neither man’s help.

He has denied the claims against him saying they are untrue and that he is innocent.

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