Billionaire son Kiddwaya has opened up about his reasons for participating in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) reality show during its fifth season. While many contestants joined the show for financial gain, Kiddwaya revealed that his primary motivation was to become famous and “pepper” his haters.
In a trending video, Kiddwaya’s former BBNaija colleagues, including Adekunle, Topher, and Jeff, discussed their motivations for joining the show. When Adekunle asked if anyone applied for BBNaija to gain fame, Topher responded with a straightforward “No.” Jeff added, “I wanted the money mehn. And I think most of us that went there were already famous in our own rights.”
Contrary to his colleagues, Kiddwaya reposted the video and wrote, “I went there for fame so that I can pepper my haters in the future.” His candid revelation highlights the diverse motivations behind participants joining the popular reality show.