Kevin Bacon Calls For More Male Nudity on TV

2 Min Read

Kevin Bacon believes the lack of male nudity in television and film has become a growing problem in Hollywood.
The actor famous for his roles on Footloose and TV series The Following made his thoughts known while appearing in a spoof public service announcement video tagged “#FreetheBacon,.”

“In so many films and TV shows, we see gratuitous female nudity, and that’s not OK. Well, it’s OK, but it’s not fair to actresses, and it’s not fair to actors, because we want to be naked too. Gentlemen, it’s time to free the bacon,” he explains in the video. “And by bacon, of course, I mean your wiener, your balls and your butt.”

He continued: “‘Game of Thrones’: You’ve got three sex scenes an episode. How hard would it be to just show one or two wieners every couple of minutes? This is an issue of gender equality. Let me be on the show. Come on! I’ll play a naked wizard or something. I’ve done it before. Have you seen ‘Wild Things’? I was super naked in that. It was awesome. Matt Dillon was there. He saw my wiener. “Fifty Shades of Grey’: I heard that you never even see it! Why not let Jamie Dornan take off his pants? Or better yet, let me play Christian Grey! We’ll do the whole movie in one long close-up of my penis.” he added.

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