Kanayo O. Kanayo Praises YouTube for Empowering Nollywood Filmmakers

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Nollywood veteran, Kanayo O. Kanayo, has lauded YouTube for revolutionizing the Nigerian film industry by providing filmmakers with unprecedented freedom and opportunities. Speaking on The Honest Bunch Podcast, Kanayo highlighted how the platform has liberated the industry from the clutches of exploitative marketers.

Kanayo emphasized that YouTube allows filmmakers to share their work without the interference of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB). He praised the platform for its accessibility and the financial opportunities it offers, enabling creators to earn from the comfort of their homes.

“YouTube has come to help the industry. From the comfort of your home, you can make your money. Create content and put it on YouTube. In fact, YouTube rescued the industry from some ravaging wolves who were doubling as marketers,” Kanayo stated.

Reflecting on the past, Kanayo recounted a time when marketers held significant power, even suspending prominent actors like Richard Mofe Damijo. These marketers imposed hefty fines and bans to maintain their control, preventing actors from marketing their films.

“The marketers you had then who also doubled as ex-producers never wanted an actor to become a marketer, so they placed a ban on anything that will make you come up to market your film. In fact, it was so bad that they imposed a fine of ₦500,000 or a levy that you have to pay ₦500,000 to be a marketer,” he explained.

Despite his praise, Kanayo noted some limitations of YouTube, particularly in showcasing technical creativity. He expressed concerns about the platform’s ability to fully display the technical aspects of filmmaking, such as special effects.

“I’m one of those who feel that YouTube is not a realistic channel because it restricts you from showing what you can do in the technical area. Most of the films you watch, American films and so on, you will see how a bullet hit somebody and how it pierced, that’s creativity, that’s somebody sitting down and saying, ‘We’re going to crash this car.’ A lot of work will come into it,” he said.

Nevertheless, Kanayo acknowledged the financial benefits, noting that YouTube provides a steady income stream for many creators.

“On the good news, it is giving opportunities to people to earn in dollars every month,” he added.

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