Journalism In The ‘Line Of Fire’ by Taiwo Adeyemi

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October 2nd, 2018 Saudi Arabia critic and Washington Post Columnist, Jamal Khashoggi walked into Saudi Arabia Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey [Jamal Khashoggi haven foreknowledge of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MbS] traits fled to the US and had remained in US and was a ‘Columnist’ with Washington Post].

Jamal Khashoggi has gone to the Saudi Arabia Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey to formalize his paper for a marriage to his Turkish girlfriend, Hatice Cengiz [who apparently waited for Jamal Khashoggi outside the Saudi Arabia Consulate in Istanbul on the day Jamal Khashoggi ‘vanished’ from the surface of the earth in what it is now been dubbed; ‘Investigation gone wrong’ & ‘rogue elements’].

CIA had declared that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MbS] is surely aware of Jamal Khashoggi’s murdered and the US State Department described as ‘blindly obvious’ Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MbS] is fully aware of the gruesome and barbaric murder of Jamal Khashoggi inside The Saudi Arabia Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

Germany has banned the 18 suspects responsible for the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Arabia Consulate in Istanbul from coming to Europe and and also banned the sales of arms to Saudi Arabia. What does US President has to say as regards. Donald Trump said the US Congress can go their different way. Despite acknowledging a prima-facie against Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MbS].

Donald Trump once gain has doubted and dusted US intelligence agency capability. CIA Director Gina Haspel was in Ankara and said to have listened to the audio recordings of how Jamal Khashoggi was brutally choked up to death and dismembered.

CCTV footage shows Jamal Khashoggi walking majestically into the consulate and been greeted by a sentry oblivious of the typhoon that awaits him, thereafter the denials, conspiracies, drama unfolded as to how, what, when, who, & why?

Jamal Khashoggi was never to be seen, heard, write nor speak. He was choked up by 15 suspected ‘rogue killing squad elements during interrogation that gone wrong. Jamal Khashoggi was expected to be forcefully kidnapped and taken back to Saudi Arabia. Jamal Khashoggi knew what lies ahead of him in Saudi Arabia. The autocratic, dictatorship, war monger, & one-man-show of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MbS].

Jamal Khashoggi’s body was dismembered and dissolved in acid and some dropped inside the well inside the Consular General’s residence in Istanbul and some flushed away! Jamal Khashoggi has crossed the ‘line-of-fire’ by telling the truth about the happenings inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Will Jamal Khashoggi’s family ever recovered from this barbaric killing of their patriarch by 15 ‘rogue killing squad elements’ sent from Saudi Arabia?

CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta was up in ‘Question Authority’ in question and answer session with President Donald Trump. CNN Jim Acosta was oblivious of the situation hanging. From carry over loss of Republicans in the US Mid-term elections on November 6th, 2018 to CNN been branded ‘Fake & False’ news progenitor [alongside New-York Times, Washington Post & Time Magazine] by President Donald Trump, Jim Acosta was already condemned by Donald Trump.

Jim Acosta was asking questions as regards immigrants and President Trump wasn’t in the mood to divulge much. President Trump may have being becoming ‘uneasy’ with Jim Acosta and he interrupted Jim Acosta, but Jim Acosta wasn’t done yet with his questions. The drama that followed was a sad one.

President Trump asked the White House Intern lady to seized the microphone from Jim Acosta, Jim resisted and hold on to the microphone. Video footage of the encounter never show Jim Acosta touching the lady irresponsibly as alleged by President Donald Trump. It was like; ‘Fear: Donald Trump In The White House’ – Bob Woodward & ‘Fire & Fury: Inside The Trump White House’ – Michael Wolff.

President Donald Trump thereafter came down harshly on Jim Acosta calling names. Has Jim Acosta crossed the ‘Line-of-Fire’ In the defence of truth and freedom’ by exercising ‘Question Authority’ [the need to know]? Jim Acosta accreditation was withdrawn as a member of White House Press Corp [WHPC] on the orders of President Donald Trump. It took the intervention and order of US court for Donald Trump to restore Jim Acosta’s pass and allow access to White House Press Corp [WHPC].

Coming exactly one year after Maltese Panama Paper Investigative Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was blown up in a car bomb in Malta, and the rape and murder of Bulgaria TV presenter Viktoria Marinova in Bulgaria northern city of Ruse [who was investigating European Union funds].

Jamal Khashoggi’s death must have ignited the spirits of the other journalists that had been murdered with impunity. In Myanmar, two Reuters journalists [Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo] were sentenced to seven years in prison for crossing the ‘Line-of-Fire’ for reporting the Rohingya crisis and the total near annihilation of the Rohingya Muslims. The world watches the chapter of extermination of the Rohingyas. The Reuters journalists captured the situations, and they crossed the ‘Line-of-Fire’ in pursuit of truth!

Each day journalists across the world keep crossing the ’Line-of-Fire’ in the defence and pursuit of freedom, free press and truth!

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