Health tip: Learn more about caffeine

3 Min Read

Caffeine, a natural stimulant, is commonly known to be used by several people to stay active and keep awake.

It is also generally tagged as bad and unhealthy, having numerous negative effects on the body.

We should however take note that this same caffeine also does as much good to our health.

Caffeine, as said earlier, is a natural stimulant that is commonly found in a variety of teas, cacao plants and also coffee. It stimulates the brain and central nervous system, causing one to stay focused/at alert and checks fatigue.

Upon consumption, it is absorbed from the gut into the bloodstream. It then goes to the liver and is decomposed into compounds that affect functions of various organs.

Caffeine’s target point is the brain. The brain is stimulated by blocking the effects of the neurotransmitter, adenosine (it relaxes the brain and causes you to feel tired).

Foods and drinks that contain caffeine include; energy drinks, coffee, espresso, soft drinks, cocoa beverages, brewed tea, chocolate milk, e.t.c. It is also found in some drugs like weight loss supplements.

Useful effects of caffeine

  • Said to improve mood and brain function

As stated earlier, it blocks the effects of adenosine which in turns increases the activity of other signaling molecules like dopamine and norepinephrine. This effect causes a change in brain messaging and is said to better one’s mood and brain function. It may also reduce risk of depression and protect against brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

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  • Helps in fat burn and metabolism

It might cause an increase in metabolism and fat loss to 11% and 13% respectively, because of its ability to stimulate the central nervous system(CNS). However, these effects are not likely to increase on the long run.

  • Intake of little amounts of caffeine an hour before engaging in exercise is very likely to improve your performance.
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases

Contrary to what has been said, caffeine does not increase the risk of heart diseases. However, blood pressure can be slightly raised by it in some individuals. Drinking decaffeinated coffee is linked to a 21% lower risk of having diabetes. It is known to lower the risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes by certain percentages.

In conclusion, whatever we consume should be taken in moderation. Remember, health is wealth.


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