Health: Understand Fibroid Growths in Women

3 Min Read

Fibroids are abnormal growths that occur in the uterus of a woman and they could either cause heavy periods and severe pain in the abdomen or come with no signs/symptoms of any kind. Fibroid growths are usually benign (noncancerous).

Fibroids are of different types depending on its growth location in the uterus.

  • Intramural fibroid

This type develops within the walls of the uterus and often increase in size, stretching the womb.

  • Subserosal fibroid

They form on the outer part of the uterus called the serosa. Subserosal fibroids might grow large enough to make the womb look bigger on one side.

  • Pedunculated fibroid

Pedunculated fibroids occur when subserosal tumors develop a stem.

  • Submucosal fibroids

This type of fibroid develops in the myometrium (middle muscle layer) of the uterus, however, it is not as common as other types.

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Note that the main causes of fibroids are yet unknown but they are discovered to have factors that might incite their formation. The factors include;

  • Family history: Generational occurrences of the condition will bring about the likelihood of a woman having it.
  • Hormones: Production of hormones like progesterone and estrogen by the ovaries often stimulates fibroid growths.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy causes the rapid increase of hormone (estrogen and progesterone) production. Fibroids usually grow rapidly with pregnancies.

Women who are above 30, pregnant, have high body weight or a family history of fibroid growths are at a greater risk of developing fibroids.

Symptoms vary according to type but generally, the signs can include:

  • blood clotting and heavy bleeding between and during menstrual periods
  • feeling of pressure or fullness in the lower abdominal area
  • increased urination
  • abnormal increase in period duration
  • a swelling/enlargement of the abdomen
  • painful intercourse
  • feeling pain in the lower back or pelvis region

Fibroid growths can be treated both with surgery and medication, but remedies like curbing intake of high-calorie foods and taking foods rich in vitamins and minerals instead, managing your stress level, regular massages and losing weight if overweight can positively benefit women with it.

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