Hairdresser Discovers That Her Best Customer Is Also Husband’s Secret Lover

2 Min Read

A woman was devastated after she discovered that her best customer was also her husband’s secret lover.

The woman, a hairdresser in Kakamega County, Kenya discovered her husband was cheating on her with one of her best customers.

Her client was talking about her lover while she was fixing her hair and even showed the ladies in the lounge some of the romantic messages she received from him on facebook. She also talked about how she and her lover had recently visited Uganda, on a romantic getaway vacation.

The hairdresser recalled that her husband had recently told her about a business event he had in Uganda.

The hairdresser, realizing what was going on, let out a loud scream. Her customer, who became scared after the hairdresser’s actions, accidentally dropped her phone to the ground.

The nervous hairdresser picked up the phone of her client and was surprised to discover that the man was indeed her husband.

“I’ve been making you look beautiful so you can go out with my husband?” The angry hairdresser asked her friend, who pretended to not understand what was happening.

After a long shouting match, the customer finally confessed that she was a companion of her man, and that the man had promised to marry her.

“The confrontation must have been quite a sight to see. I can’t imagine the pain of the hairdresser after finding out that her best customer was cheating with her husband. I believe that the customer is a cruel woman, and men should stay away from her,” said Cathy Mason, 34, when asked to comment.

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