Gunmen Shoot TV Journalist To Death

1 Min Read

Some unidentified gunmen have shot dead a television journalist in Pakistan, AFP reported on Sunday.

The journalist identified as Hafeez Ur Rehman, 42, was fired at by gun-wielding men on a motorcycle in the town of Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkwa province.

According to a police spokesman who spoke to AFP, “He was hit by three bullets and died on the spot.”

Rehman before his death worked as a TV journalist for 12 years and also ran a local newspaper, Asia, which later closed down earlier this year.

The motive behind his killing is still unknown, as he had never reported any threats against his life to his employers at NeoTV, where he worked until his death.

However, journalists in the country are known to be major targets of terrorists, especially the Taliban.

Also, the Islamist rebels in the country have complained of not being given enough coverage by the media, after the Pakistani military ordered a boycott of coverage of the militants’ activities.

The killing is the fifth attack on a member of the media in three months. Rehman’s killing is the second of such killings this month.

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