GTWorld To The Rescue

3 Min Read

Like most Nigerian banking customers I have certainly had my fair share of ups and downs with the products, services and customer service the banks have to offer.

Most of the time I have one nagging complaint or the other, but today I have to hand it to the industry, especially GTBank, which is leading its peers down the right path.

The first thing related to the sector that made me smile this week was learning GTbank had reviewed upwards its monthly dollar spending threshold to $1000 for its Naira mastercard users. A bittersweet victory as I misplaced my card and was unable to collect the new one before I traveled urgently.

The second thing GTBank did this week that made me smile literally from ear to ear, was done well before this week. However with my usual shakara and I was unable to partake until I had an emergency.

When the bank announced the launch of GTWorld it was with much fanfare and jingles on the social media landscape, however I felt since I already have the old GTbank app on my phone, there was no need to download the new one.

I woke up this morning and had to urgently settle a vendor as promised. I planned to make a payment later in the day. Alas, as I was going to make the payment I realized my GTBank token had stopped working. I literally had no other way to make the payment as only that account was funded.

Feeling helpless, I reached out to GTBank customer service, and was informed there was no remedy for the token but I should try the GTWorld app.

I went to the Play store and found that over 100,000 people are already using the GTWorld app. At this point, I was feeling like LASTMA, for not being one of the early or first adopters.

It took me about five minutes to download the app, and after setting up the one time password, there was no longer any need for me to consummate transactions with a token. GTWorld made the token obsolete.

The app has a lot of other cool features that I am yet to explore, but the interface and ease of use of the app makes this product the best in the banking sector by leaps and bounds.

Kudos to GTBank and thanks for using technology to make my life easier in an increasingly difficult world.

Fola writes in from Baltimore, Maryland

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