Female Corps Member Slaps Fellow Corper After Sexually Harassing Him

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A female corps member has been accused of sexual harassment after she allegedly grabbed her male colleague’s genitals during camp activities.

A Twitter user with the handle @oluwasevn, narrated the story. He stated that while on the parade ground doing Man-o-war drills, they sang a song and the phrase ‘hold something’ came up a number of time at which point the female corps member allegedly grabbed the victim’s genitals.

He stated that he asked her to stop but she wouldn’t and unable to control himself, he aimed a slap at her. He said she was able to dodge it, but tried to fight back. The two were held back and the male was reprimanded and told he shouldn’t have hit her.

READ: UNILAG sexual harassment claim: VC insists victim must show up

He narrated that later on while at the mami market, the female corps member approached him again and slapped him. In his rage, he went to report the case and stated that he felt that he was sexually harassed and that the men who told him he shouldn’t have taken action were wrong.

He revealed the girl’s name as Peace and also said that the girl confessed that her friends adviced her to attack him at the Mami market.

There are very few recorded cases of female on male sexual harassment, but they exist and many people who are victims still find themselves stigmatized by society.

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