US Democratic Presidential candidate, Hilary Clinton has been exposed by Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange for racist remarks on blacks and muslims.
According to WikiLeaks, who revealed the information via a leaked transcript of a speech at Wall Street, Hillary said her “dream” was to virtually destroy America by having a “hemispheric common market” where trade protections, tariffs, and other measures that ensure both the integrity and sovereignty of the economy would be abandoned for a world market.
Hillary Clinton then went on to refer to black people as “professional never-do-wells”, incapable of success irrespective of the opportunities they’re given.
She was reportedly paid to make this racist statement to a group of elitists on Wall Street who also share the same views.
It will be noted that when her husband Bill Clinton was president, Hillary had called black youths “super-predators” that needed “to be brought to heel.”
She’s since tried to apologize for the remark and say that she didn’t mean it, but after hearing her recent racist comments at Wall Street, it is clear to many that Hillary’s views might have not changed much since she was First Lady.