El-Rufai: Between Idealism and Political Sensitivity – Nadabo Nadabo

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Admittedly, Governor Nasir el-Rufai, is deserving of his election. In fact, even his worst enemies cannot deny his competence to undertake any responsibility, anywhere. There is, however, a difference between competence, wisdom and good judgment. As an elected leader, el-Rufai must demonstrate a remarkable degree of sensitivity in his appointments. His appointments of non-indigenes as advisers into positions for which the people Kaduna State have eminently qualified individuals are causing resentments among the voters.

In particular, his appointment of Jimi Lawal ,Muyiwa Adekeye and other non-indigenes into key positions is an insult to the voters of Kaduna State who rejected an incumbent, former Governor Ramalan Yero, to put him (el-Rufai) into office. In an ideal situation, there would have been no problem with the appointment of non-indigenes into key positions. Nasiru el-Rufai should not forget the fact that the slogan of kaduna State is “centre of learning” while that of Zaria goes as “Zaria-Garin-ilimi” for which on the same token he sprang just like the many that also pride themselves with dynamic ideas that transform a state as beautiful, complex but historical as Kaduna.

However, the reality is that political appointments affect people’s sensibilities, and no democratic leader should ignore such sentiments. There are many eminently qualified indigenes of Kaduna State capable of handling any job to move the state forward. With the appointment of Jimi Lawal and other non-indigenes into his cabinet, el-Rufai is literally passing a verdict of no confidence on his own people, the very people that gave him the mandate to be in the Government House today.

Of course, there is no problem with the elevation of competence above sentiments. But such argument has major flaws. For example, does the appointment of non-indigenes into key positions suggest that the people of Kaduna State are so thoroughly incompetent to deserve to be appointed into such positions? By these appointments, Governor el-Rufai is sending a wrong message: that the indigenes of Kaduna State are not competent enough to meet his standard. And what is el-Rufai’s standard?

Does that include appointing a discredited and convicted former MD that ran his bank aground as his adviser on investments promotion? And of recent, the gory story of his involvement in FCT land scam during which same el-Rufai was minister? El-Rufai rode the back of President Muhammadu Buhari to get elected as governor of Kaduna State. President Buhari was elected on account of his integrity, and not merely because of his experience or competence. How can el-Rufai reconcile the appointment of Jimi Lawal, a man previously convicted by a failed banks tribunal, with the philosophy of the Buhari administration, which makes integrity its watchword? His controversial appointments is a reflection of gross insensitivity to the feelings of the people of Kaduna State that defied harsh weather conditions to queue up and vote him into office.

His idealism is misguided. Former Governor Fashola of Lagos State is competent in his own right just like el-Rufai. It is, however, highly unlikely that Fashola would have contemplated the idea of appointing Kaduna State indigenes as his advisers and even if he will, Kaduna State has abundant educated class of citizens both first class, second, third and even veterans in the pen profession and practitioners whose root dates back to the days of the ever-remembered Gaskiya Corporation,Amana and Telex Newspapers all from Zaria .

Whatever may be the “good intentions” of el-Rufai in defying the feelings of his people, his controversial political appointments of non-indigenes is very wrong and short-sighted. He has grievously hurt the voters of Kaduna Sate, and made them look like fools. Excessive idealism at the expense of those who voted you into office is not wisdom: A beginning that clearly sends a wrong signal to the patient but pragmatic citizens of Kaduna State which by no means should not be misinterpreted.


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