Drinking Tea Is Actually Better For Your Health Than Water

2 Min Read

Tea is very important to our general well-being. Most people consume as much as three to four cups a day.

Water is a necessity because it keeps us hydrated, gives us life and is the fluid of most living organisms.

Researchers from Kings College, London, UK, have found among other things that the urban myth that tea dehydrates could not be further from the truth.

Tea hydrates as well as water, but the benefits of tea is greater because it will protect you from developing heart disease and cancer.

Tea intake is also linked to flavanoids and polyphenol antioxidants which helps to protect the teeth and strengthen the bones. Flavanoids also helps to prevent cell damage.

The Public Health Nutritionist and team leader of the research group stated that, “tea is better for you than water because it rehydrates you and provides antioxidants while water only rehydrate you. Tea comes with two benefits.”

According to an interview granted by Dr Ruxton to BBC, he said, “Studies on caffeine have found very high doses dehydrate and everyone assumes that caffeie-containing beverages dehydrate you. But even if you had a really really strong cup of tea or coffee,  which is quite hard to make, you would still have a net gain of fluid. Also, a cup of tea contains fluoride, which is good for the teeth.”



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