Don’t Vote for Trump, he’s Building a Wall- New York Times Advices Latinos

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The New York times, one of the most influential newspapers in the world seems to have thrown its weight behind Hillary Clinton advising latinos in an editorial that appeared in the newspaper to not vote Trump.

The paper in its publication stated that Trump is intent on building a wall and keeping Mexicans out. The paper also highlighted the insults that the Republican candidate had been dishing out to the minority group.

In contrast, it said Clinton has solid plans to address issues that matter to Latinos including the economy and access to healthcare.

“In addition to defeating a bully, Latinos have plenty of reasons to enthusiastically support Mr. Trump’s main rival,”

The New York times asserted that a large turnout on November 8th of Latinos for Clinton could turn the tide for the democratic candidate and cause her to win.

“America’s 56 million Latinos — one-third of whom are under 18 — are helping to shape America’s future in classrooms, workplaces and neighborhoods. It is only a matter of time before their mark on the nation’s politics matches their contributions in other spheres,” the paper said.

“That moment should start now.”

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