Dan Ulasi is a good friend and long time associate of mine. For a long period he remained the closest political ally of mine accross the Niger.
A brillant and politically sauve and very knowledgeable politician with much credibility.
Unfortunately he is an avowed political rnemy of Peter Obi. A situation which presently makes him a crusader against what God has determined to use Obi for. It’s not a matter of intellect or knowledge, it is a matter of God’s Will.

He agrees that Peter Obi is a very competent person to be President. His argument, however, is that if the entire south east votes for him he will not win and therefore will politically jeopardized the interest of Igbos. And according to him, it is better that the Ibos vote for Atiku.
However, his arguments cannot hold water. What happens if after all that, Atiku still loses as he did in 2019?
So on the face of it it’s better to lose while fighting rather than lose as a result of folding their arms.
More important is the fact that it is not morally right or politically equitable for a northerner and a Muslim to be succeeded by yet another one for another eight years in Nigeria of today.
His point that no notable Igbo man is following Obi about is a reflection of Ulasi’s prejudiced thoughts. The fact is that Igbo elites and elders deliberately keep a public distance from Peter Obi because of the general bias of many in Nigeria against the Igbos. If they are publicly all over Peter, other Nigerians will say it’s purely an Igbo affair or Agenda!!
Besides Peter has created a political momentum never experienced in this country. He is also the only candidate with a daily rising popularity profile.
Also he certaingly appears to be the very best among the leading contestants. Nobody throws away such brilliant and favorable opportunity just on the basis of the fear of losing . The simple and honest truth is that as of today, Peter Obi is the candidate to beat, otherwise why is it that Peter Obi is central to virtually all political discussions from all sides, with all other candidates and their camps today?
The real question is how can Peter Obi lose this coming presidential elections or how will Tinubu or Atiku defeat Obi going by the present nationwide political current and OBIdient trend? Also judging by the excruciating baggage they are both burdened with is it to be assumed that a majority of the Nigerian electorate will be so undiscerning and gullible and still vote with no considerations for their present hardship or their future and that of their children?
No, I do not think so. Nigeria is not a God forsaken nation. The erudite and seemingly compelling presentation of our great elder and analyst, Chief Dan Ulasi, is nothing but a heavy cigarette puff in a windy open space. It clears off as soon as it appears. SAD.