Comptroller General: Customs Officers To Declare Assets

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The Comptroller General of the Nigeria Customs Service (NSC), Hameed Ali has initiated a directive which states that officers of the Customs Service must compulsorily declare their assets.


This was disclosed by him on Tuesday during a courtesy visit by members of the Board of Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), led by their Chairman, Mohammed Isah, TheCable reported


Ali stated that the reason for necessitating assets declaration of customs officers is hinged on the service’s involvement in various financial transactions.


Quoting the comptroller general, NAN said;

“The law that governs Nigeria Customs Service and bankers require that we declare our assets every year, because of the nature of the type of job we do,”


“This is because of our involvement in financial transactions; so, we must lead by example as there must be checks and balances.


“The continuous filling of this form will not only keep officers in check but will make them have confidence that what they are doing in their life is well-programmed and structured.


“We will showcase ourselves, and we will lead by example by enforcing this, starting from this year.


“We will need your cooperation to ensure that whatever we declare is properly scrutinised, and we want to assure you that we will support you in achieving your mandate.”

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“We want to make a plea with the Nigeria Customs Service to show exemplary conduct by declaring their assets and complying with the code of ethics of all public officers,” Isah said.


“I also want to urge them not to be afraid of declaring their assets, as it will help the bureau to know the public officer who is living within his or her lawful income.”

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