Do not Submit yourselves for Chinese Vaccination – Nnamdi Kanu warns

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IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu

Nnamdi Kanu, National Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has made some shocking revelations regarding the presence of Chinese Doctors n Nigeria.

The Herald yesterday reported that a team of 15 Chinese Doctors arrived Nigeria with the aim of helping the country combat the deadly COVID-19, using their knowledge and expertise on infectious disease.

However, Kanu disclosed he got an anonymous tip claiming person or persons  injected by the Chinese Doctors will spread the virus across a whole community.

The IPOB Leader who made the disclosure on his facebook page said the vaccine the Chinese had was still at the experiential stage which is yet to be tested or approved in China. He wondered why the substance would be tested on Nigerians since the Chinese government was yet to clear them.

“As I came off air a short while ago, I received an intruguing call from a source I can only describe as unusual but highly credible. He said I should warn ‘Nigerians’ not to submit themselves for any vaccination by the Chinese. I politely reminded him that I am NOT a Nigerian but a Biafran.

“He said very well, but that he only called to warn me because once any person or group of persons are injected with whatever substance the Chinese brought with them, an entire community will become infected. I asked him why given its just a vaccine and humanity has been taking them for centuries.

“He said what the Chinese have with them are experiental drugs not even cleared for clinical trial in China, it should not be in Nigeria. Before I finished saying thank you he hung up.

“That left me wondering why a country with no leadership nor clear strategy like Nigeria, badly run, heavily in debt and without any identifiable person in charge of machinery of governance, would engage China of all countries, to run a program of vaccination with untested experimental drugs on black Africans in Africa when Chinese people who are dying from COVID-19 infections are themselves not being vaccinated.

“I recalled the intel IPOB High Command received at the start of this pandemic regarding some governments in Europe being fully aware, as far back as 2010, that mankind faced a mortal danger with the release of a weaponised virus. More crucially, a COVID-19 vaccine won’t be available until January 2021 at the latest. So what are the Chinese planning to inject into our people?

“At least French doctors were open and honest about desiring to test their vaccine on Africans but the Chinese government cunningly used a crumbling rogue regime, desperately hanging on for its dear life, to roll out a testing program for their vaccine on hapless Africans.

“This suicidal and frankly speaking, mad politically expedient decision by untutored Fulani minds in Aso Rock will drag millions to their early grave as unwilling lab animals.

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“They MUST be resisted by all means and at all cost. The regime has collapsed, but it seems they are determined to take as many lives with them as possible, courtesy of Chinese scientists.

“Now I understand the meaning of “God punish you”. It doesn’t mean God will literally come down from heaven to administer any form of retributive justice, what it means is that you will remain a Nigerian which in itself is the cruellest form of punishment and curse from God,” said Nnamdi Kanu

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